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Company Secretary

Every company must have a company secretary(S474)
The secretary of a company shall:
a) if an individual, ordinarily reside in Hong Kong;
b) if a body corporate, have its registered office or a place of business in Hong Kong(S474(4)) and lincenced as a trust or company service provider ("TCSP") by the Companies Regisry pursuant to Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing Ordinance (Cap 615)


Company Secretarial Services Fee $3,000

 Act as Company Secretary
 Prepare and Submit Annual Return
 Submit the Business Registration Certificate
 Change of Registered Office Address
 Maintain and update company record book
 Significant Controllers Register (SCR)

All other company secretarial work will be charged separately

 Formulate the company's internal meeting minutes and resolutions based on the meeting information provided by the company's directors/shareholders

 Increase of Capital and Share Allotment

 Change of Personal Particulars of Director and Company Secretary

 Appointment/ Resignation of Director/Secretary

 Annual General Meeting

 Change of Company Name

 Transfer of Shares 



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